The Most Effective Way To Treat A Pimple.

Watch this short video The Most Effective Way To Treat A Pimple
(Instagram: @skinstudioaz)

90% of the time a pimple should be suppressed, not expressed.

However, I think most of you are on autopilot to express. Most breakout will initially show up in the form of a papule, which is a pimple without a head. I would recommend topically treating it immediately with two things in mind:

  1. Treat the inflammation, which is the redness and the size. Do this by applying vitamin K or arnica or something intended to soothe the skin as the base layer.

  2. Treat the infection. Apply benzoyl peroxide or Neosporin to the very tip of the breakout. Apply it sparingly.

This should suppress the breakout and speed up the healing process without compromising the surrounding skin. Follow this protocol for an average of 3 days.

If you have a pimple that has a moderate to sizable head on it and it needs to be expressed:

  • Cleanse your face

  • Run a clean washcloth under hot water

  • Place the washcloth on the breakout like a compress

  • Apply pressure and hold for 10 seconds, then wipe off.

The pimple will express without causing any trauma to the skin.

It seems so simple, but I promise it's a sure thing!


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