The Facts On Folliculitis (aka Bikini Breakout)

You may have Folliculitis and not even know it. Folliculitis is inflammation and infection of the hair follicles. It is very common and can be chronic if not treated properly.

It typically resembles that of a pimple; red, inflamed and infected pustules.

It usually starts off with 2 or 3 isolated infected hair follicles, however, it often spreads. When the ‘cap’ or scab is disrupted and/or removed, the bacteria can spread and heighten the infection.

Folliculitis ranges from mild to acute in severity. It usually is a bacterial based infection, however there is fungal folliculitis too.

There are a number of things that can cause or contribute to folliculitis.

For example, shaving or waxing, combined with heat and/or friction. The right amount of bacteria + exposure to an environment that fosters the growth of microbes + disruption to the hair follicles = a perfect storm.

My guess is that most women have experienced a degree of folliculitis at some point in their lives. And for some, it clears up on its own and for others, it can be chronic. Acute cases may need prescription treatment, as the bacteria associated with Folliculitis is typically staphylococcus aureus.

I think oftentimes there is a level of shame associated with folliculitis. Therefore, it is commonly self treated and/or neglected.

How can it be avoided?

Folliculitis can’t be avoided entirely, however, maintaining a high level of hygiene typically helps. For example, make sure to use clean razors and change them out often . If you get waxing services, make sure your technician isn’t double dipping wax sticks. Knowing your irritation triggers certainly helps. Heat, sweat and friction can exacerbate the problem.


If you think you may have Folliculitis and need a little help, I encourage you to reach out!


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